pré·cis /prāˈsē,ˈprāsē/

If you had to write an abstract—a précis—of your life going forward, what would it say?

PRÉCIS, which stands for "Philosophy, Religion, and Existential Commitments in Society," is an initiative of 3PR in collaboration with the Philosophy Department. Co-sponsored by the University Center for Human Values as well as generous private donors, the initiative is primarily focused on undergraduates and aims to foster philosophical and theological reflection on how we should live.

In particular, PRÉCIS seeks to consider what our deepest commitments are, where they come from, whether we should revise or stabilize them, and how they influence life choices – as individuals and as members of various communities. PRÉCIS involves significant scholarly, undergraduate, and public-facing programming, including conferences, reading groups, public talks, and courses. 


White cliffs

Pilot Course

Philosophy, Religion, and Existential Commitments (PHI/CHV/REL 211)

Spring 2025

Taught by Prof. Lara Buchak

The choice of a kind of life involves both fundamental commitments and day-to-day decisions. This course is interested in zooming out and zooming in: how should we adopt commitments, and how do we realize them in ordinary life? What is the purpose of life, and how can you fulfill it? Should you live by an overall narrative, or is your life just the sum of what you actually do? Are commitments chosen or given to you? Are the decisions we think of as high-stakes important at all? When should you relinquish what you thought were your deepest commitments? What should you do when commitments clash?

PHI/CHV/REL 211 was first offered in Spring 2024 and was co-taught by Prof. Lara Buchak and Prof. Andrew Chignell.

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