Selected Publications
Brian Scott Ballard, "Incarnational Human Dignity", in Agatheos (forthcoming)
Brian Scott Ballard, "Our Lives Go Better in a World Created by God", in Religious Studies (forthcoming)
Andrew Chignell, “Kant on the Faith of Theoretical Reason”, (German-Italian Kant Vorlesung for 2022) in Studi Kantiani (forthcoming)
Andrew Chignell, “Kant’s Mind-Dependent World: A critical review of Anja Jauernig’s The World According to Kant”, in British Journal for the History of Philosophy (forthcoming)
Evelina Edfors, “Filosofi på svenska: fallet faith” in Filosofisk Tidskrift (forthcoming)
Alexander Englert and Andrew Chignell, "Kant on the Highest Good and Moral Arguments", in Oxford Handbook of Kant, Anil Gomes and Andrew Stephenson (eds.) (OUP, forthcoming)
Eleanor Gordon-Smith, “Contagious Inquiry”, in Philosophical Topics (forthcoming)
Eleanor Gordon-Smith, “Ethics of Disbelief“, in Australasian Journal of Philosophy (forthcoming)
Austen McDougal, "Amnesia and Punishment", in Ethics (forthcoming)
Austen McDougal, “Loving Your Enemy”, in Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion (forthcoming)
Daniel Rubio, "Intrinsically Good, God Created Them", in Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion (forthcoming)
Sylwia Wilczewska, “Review of Francis Fallon, Gavin Hyman (eds.), Agnosticism: Explorations in Philosophy and Religious Thought“, in Religious Studies (forthcoming)
Brian Scott Ballard, “The Threat of Anti-Theism: What is at Stake in the Axiology of God?“, in The Philosophical Quarterly (2024)
Alexander Englert, "We’ll Meet Again: The Intrepid Logician Kurt Gödel Believed in the Afterlife", in Aeon (2024)
Alexander Englert, "Kant as a Carpenter of Reason: The Highest Good and Systematic Coherence", in British Journal for the History of Philosophy (2024)
Charles Goldhaber, "Gabriele Gava, Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason and the Method of Metaphysics", in Journal of Transcendental Philosophy (2024)
Charles Goldhaber, “Hume’s Skeptical Philosophy and the Moderation of Pride”, in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (2024)
Charles Goldhaber, “Kant’s Offer to the Skeptical Empiricist”, in Journal of the History of Philosophy (2024)
Hüseyin Güngör, “Non-literal Lies Are Not Exculpatory”, in The Philosophical Quarterly (2024)
Z Quanbeck, "Resolving to Believe: Kierkegaard's Direct Doxastic Voluntarism", in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (2024)
Z Quanbeck, "Kierkegaard on the Relationship between Practical and Epistemic Reasons for Belief", in Pacific Philosophical Quarterly (2024)
Z Quanbeck, "Kierkegaard on Belief and Credence", in European Journal of Philosophy (2024)
Daniel Rubio, "In Defence of Qua-Christology", in Religious Studies (2024)
Toni Alimi, "Augustine on Temporal Law and Virtue", in Political Theology (2023)
Toni Alimi, "Lactantius’s ‘Modern’ Conception of Religio", in Journal of Religious History (2023)
Lara Buchak, "Faith and Traditions", in Noûs (2023)
Lara Buchak, "Faith and Rational Deference to Authority", in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (2023)
Andrew Chignell, "The Focus Theory of Hope", in The Philosophical Quarterly (2023)
Andrew Chignell, "Demoralization and Hope: A Psychological Reading of Kant’s Moral Argument", in The Monist (2023)
Andrew Chignell, "Kant’s Panentheism: The Possibility Proof and Its Fate in the Critical Period", in Kant on Proofs for God's Existence, Ina Goy (ed.) (De Gruyter, 2023)
Andrew Chignell and Elizabeth Li, "For What May the Aesthete Hope? Focus and Standstill in ‘The Unhappiest One’ and ‘Rotation of Crops’ ", in Kierkegaard’s _Either/Or_: A Critical Guide, Ryan S. Kemp and Walter Wietzke (eds.) (Cambridge University Press, 2023)
Ryan Darr, "Teleology and Consequentialism in Christian Ethics: Goods, Ends, Outcomes", in Studies in Christian Ethics (2023)
Ryan Darr, The Best Effect: Theology and the Origins of Consequentialism (University of Chicago Press, 2023)
Alexander Englert, "Kant’s Favorite Argument for Our Immortality: The Teleological Argument", in Res Philosophica (2023)
Alexander Englert, "The Conceptual Origin of Worldview in Kant and Fichte", in Journal of Transcendental Philosophy (2023)
Wolfgang Ertl, "Free Will, Foreknowledge, and Creation: Further Explorations of Kant’s Molinism", in Kantian Review (2023)
Jonathan Gold, "Wholesome Mind Ethics: A Buddhist Perspective", in The Journal of Value Inquiry (2023)
Hans Halvorson, "The Philosophy of Science in Either-Or", in Kierkegaard’s _Either/Or_: A Critical Guide, Ryan S. Kemp and Walter Wietzke (eds.) (Cambridge University Press, 2023)
Daniel Rubio, "Against the New Logical Argument from Evil", in Religions (2023)
Andrew Chignell, "Kant, Wood and Moral Arguments", in Kantian Review (2022)
Andrew Chignell, "Hopeful Pessimism: The Kantian Mind at the End of All Things", in Faith, Hope and Love: The Theological Virtues and their Opposites (Springer, 2022)
Ryan Darr, "Opinion | ‘Red Wolves’ Remains the Best Choice for the New Name for the Washington Football Team", in Washington Post (2022)
Alexander Englert, "How a Kantian Ideal Can Be Practical", in Inquiry (2022)
Katie Javanaud, "The Ethics of Raw Veganism", Journal of Animal Ethics (2022)
Katie Javanaud, "The Ethics of Horse Riding, Sports, and Leisure", Journal of Animal Ethics (2022)
Mark Johnston, "Surviving Death, Again", in TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology (2022)
Elizabeth Li, "Epistemological Aspects of Dialogue: Some Kierkegaardian Perspectives", in Religions (2022)
Elizabeth Li, "Existence in the Thought and Theology of Hans Lassen Martensen", in Studia Theologica (2022)
Nevin Climenhaga and Daniel Rubio, "Molinism: Explaining Our Freedom Away", in Mind (2022)
Lara Buchak, "A Faithful Response to Disagreement," in The Philosophical Review (2021)
Andrew Chignell, "Liturgical Philosophy of Religion: An Untimely Manifesto on Sincerity, Acceptance, and Hope", in The Future of the Philosophy of Religion (Springer, 2021)
Andrew Chignell, "Leibniz and Kant on Empirical Miracles: Rationalism, Freedom, and the Laws", in Leibniz and Kant (OUP, 2021)
Andrew Chignell, "Knowledge, Anxiety, Hope: How Kant's First and Third Questions Relate", in The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Kant Congress (De Gruyter, 2021)
Andrew Chignell, "Kantian Fallibilism: Knowledge, Certainty, Doubt", in Midwest Studies in Philosophy (2021)
Andrew Chignell, "Kinds and Origins of Evil", in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2021)
Brendan Kolb and Andrew Chignell, "Philosophy of Religion in Modern European Thought 1600-1800", in The Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Religion (Wiley Blackwell, 2021)
Toni Alimi, "Covenants and Commands", in the Journal of Religious Ethics (2020)
Andrew Chignell, "Hope and Despair at the Kantian Chicken Factory: Moral Arguments About Making a Difference", in Kant and Animals, Lucy Allais and John J. Callanan (eds.) (OUP, 2020)
Andrew Chignell and Derk Pereboom, "Natural Theology and Natural Religion", in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Edward N. Zalta (ed.) (2020)
Ryan Darr, "For the Sake of the Final End: Eudaimonism, Self-Orientation, and the Nature of Human Agency", in the Journal of Religious Ethics (2020)
Ryan Darr, "The Virtue of Justice and the Justice of Institutions: Aquinas on Money and Just Exchange", in The Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics (2020)
Alexander Englert, "Philosophical Think Tanks", in Teaching Philosophy (2020)
Katie Javanaud, "The World on Fire: A Buddhist Response to the Environmental Crisis", in Religions (2020)
Elizabeth Li, "Of Clairvoyants and Mousvoyants: Kierkegaard’s Polemic against Speculative Philosophy in the “Telegraph Messages” ", in Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook (2020)
Daniel Rubio, "In Defence of No Best World", in Australasian Journal of Philosophy (2020)
Lara Buchak, "When is Faith Rational?", in Norton Introduction to Philosophy 2nd edition, Alex Byrne, Josh Cohen, Liz Harman, Gideon Rosen (ed.s) (2019)
Andrew Chignell (ed.), "Evil: A History (Oxford Philosophical Concepts)", (OUP, 2019)
Katie Javanaud, "Buddhism and Self-Deception", in Aeon (2019)
Mark Johnston, "Is Hope for Another Life Rational?", in Contemporary Controversies in Philosophy of Religion, Paul Draper (ed.) (Routledge, 2019)
Mark Johnston, "Why Did the One Not Remain Within Itself?", in Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion (2019)