A Colloquium on Immanuel Kant - December 1-2, 2023

Immanuel Kant

A Colloquium on Immanuel Kant’s On the Miscarriage of All Philosophical Trials in Theodicy (1791)

Dates: December 1-2, 2023

Location: Princeton University

December 1st - Nassau Inn, Senior Room
8:30am-9 Coffee
9 - 10:15 Courtney Fugate (FSU), “Theodicy from Leibniz to Kant”
10:20 - 11:35 Jacqueline Mariña (Purdue), “On the Validity of Kant’s Response to Leibniz”
11:35 - 1:30 Lunch
1:30 - 2:45 John Hare (Yale), “On Artistic and Moral Wisdom in the Theodicy”
2:45-3:05 Coffee Break
3:05 - 4:20 Susan Shell (Boston College), “Kant's Political Theodicy”
4:25 - 5:40 Lawrence Pasternack (OSU), “Practical Reason and the Problem of Evil”


December 2nd - Laura Wooten Hall, Room 201
8:30am-9 Coffee
9 - 10:15 George Huxford, “Theodicy and the pre-Critical Kant”
10:20 - 11:35 Shterna Friedman (Harvard), “Theodicy, Cosmodicy, and the Threat of Systemic Injustice”

11:35 - 1:30 Lunch
1:30 - 2:45 Melissa Zinkin (SUNY), “From the Third Critique to the Theodicy:
Counterpurposiveness in Kant's Account of Theodicy & the Sublime”
2:50 - 4:05 Pablo Muchnik (Emerson), “Judging the Inner Judge: Kant on the Infallibility of Conscience in the Theodicy Essay”

4:05 - 4:30 Coffee Break
4:30 - 5:45 Andrew Chignell (Princeton) and Scott Ferguson, “Faith, Counterpurposiveness, and Negative Wisdom”


For Further Information Please Contact Andrew Chignell (Chignell@princeton.edu)


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