3PR Workshop on Kierkegaard, Objectivity, and Subjectivity (July 16-17, 2025)


Søren Kierkegaard, Louis Hasselriis (1918), in the Royal Library Garden, Copenhagen

The Princeton Project in Philosophy and Religion invites submissions of 500-word abstracts for talks on the workshop theme of Kierkegaard, Objectivity, and Subjectivity (broadly construed).

We welcome any of the following kinds of submissions:

  • Talks on Kierkegaard’s views on objectivity and/or subjectivity, or on Kierkegaard's views on other topics closely related to objectivity and/or subjectivity.

  • Talks connecting Kierkegaard’s views on objectivity and/or subjectivity with issues in contemporary analytic philosophy (e.g., in epistemology, ethics, metaphysics, philosophy of religion, or philosophy of science).

  • Talks on objectivity and/or subjectivity in contemporary analytic philosophy that engage with broadly Kierkegaardian ideas or themes.

Anonymized abstracts of no more than 500 words should be submitted by April 1st via this link: https://forms.gle/dUksyr8grWsBe7vo6.

Notification of acceptance can be expected by mid-April. Questions can be addressed to Hans Halvorson (hhalvors@princeton.edu) or Z Quanbeck (zquanbeck@princeton.edu). 

Invited Speakers: Daniel Brinkerhoff Young (Union College), Lara Buchak (Princeton University), Marilyn Piety (Drexel University)

Conference Organizers: Hans Halvorson (Princeton University), Z Quanbeck (Princeton University)

This workshop is sponsored by the Princeton Project in Philosophy and Religion (3PR). 3PR is a project of the University Center for Human Values, the Philosophy Department, and the Religion Department at Princeton University.

The conference page on PhilEvents may be accessed here.


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